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现代唇腭裂治疗学 第四章 唇裂修复术的临床与技能
时间: 2008年09月08日 来源:本站原创 作者: 佚名






1.     傅豫川(综述). 唇粘连术及其在唇腭裂治疗中的地位.国外医学口腔医学分册,1991;16:193

2.     傅豫川,张国志. 唇腭裂修复的Millard Ⅲ术式.中国口腔医学信息,1993;2:57

3.     黄洪章,李金荣. 双侧唇裂修复方法概述. 口腔医学纵横,1991;7:240

4.     李宏礼,傅豫川. Millard Ⅱ式唇裂修复术及其临床应用.临床口腔医学杂志,1993;9:28

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18.      Mulliken, JB. Principles and techniques of bilateral cleft lip repair. Plast Reconstr Surg,1985; 75:477

19.      Mustarde JC, Jackson IT. Plastc surgery in infancy and childhood. 3ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livinostone, 1988:1-40

20.      Nilcolau, PJ. The orbicularis oris muscle: a functional, approach to its repair in the cleft lip. Br J Plast Surg, 1983; 36: 141

21.      Noordhoff, MS. The surgical technique for the unilateral clef lip-nasal deformity. Noodhoff Craniofacial Foundation, 1999:8~30

22.      Randall, P. A lip adhesion operation in cleft lip surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1965; 35: 371

23.      Smith HW. The atlas of cleft lip and cleft palate surgery. New York: Grune & Stuatton, 1983:200-204

24.      Tennison, CW. The repair of the unilateral cleft lip by the stencil method. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1952; 9: 115



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